Jane - Interview 14
Jane was diagnosed with DCIS after her first routine mammogram, aged 49. She had a wide local excision and is now getting on with life as normal.
Jane is a married nursery nurse with two grown up children. Ethnic background / nationality' White British
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At the age of thirty, Jane had a cyst in her left breast, which was removed surgically. About five years later, she had a benign lump in her right breast, which was also removed surgically and never caused any further problems. When, in 2007, Jane was recalled after her first routine mammogram, aged 49, she thought that scar tissue from her previous surgery could have been the reason. After tests, though, she was diagnosed with DCIS and told she would need a wide local excision. Jane was shocked at this news because she hadn’t expected any problems. Telling her son and daughter was extremely difficult.
At the time of interview, Jane was coming up to her first mammogram since her surgery and said she was ‘thinking about it a lot’. She also said she felt ‘lucky’ the DCIS had been detected and treated and that she was able to resume normal life so quickly afterwards. She will now be having yearly mammograms for the next five years.
Jane was interviewed for the Healthtalkonline website in 2008.