Becca - Interview 22

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Becca has identified the reasons why she overeats and is trying to overcome them.
Becca has identified the reasons why she overeats and is trying to overcome them.
Becca used to feel that she'd do anything to fit in with her peers.
Becca used to feel that she'd do anything to fit in with her peers.
Becca knew that she was bigger than everyone else from the age of three. She started to eat more because she was being bullied.
Becca knew that she was bigger than everyone else from the age of three. She started to eat more because she was being bullied.
I’ve always been overweight from when I can remember, like a young age, and I would now put it down to I saw food as a comfort but then I don’t, but then it’s hard to say, you know, because I’ve always been overweight ever since I can remember so it’s, you know, I can’t say that it was being bullied that made me over-eat or things like that because it was from a very young age. I mean yeah like being bullied definitely a huge factor because you just get into like a circle of you are bullied because you are fat so you eat for comfort, and then you get bullied again and round and round and round so it just, yeah that that was basically the whole, that’s where it, like the peak of it kind of started. And yeah I have always been uncomfortable about it, always.