Interview 70

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Treatment for his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma left him with erectile dysfunction; he now uses Viagra.
Treatment for his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma left him with erectile dysfunction; he now uses Viagra.
He was originally told he wouldn't survive his lymphoma so stopped caring about his finances; when a new treatment put him into remission he found it hard to cope with knowing he would live longer.
He was originally told he wouldn't survive his lymphoma so stopped caring about his finances; when a new treatment put him into remission he found it hard to cope with knowing he would live longer.
Two years, from 1998 till 2000, I was told, “You’re not going to survive this, this is going to kill you, we cannot stop it with the technology and the medicines we have now”, so I felt sorry for my partner because I mean technically she was living with a dead man, and it didn’t matter what she did, in two years time she was going to be on her own. And luckily the something else popped up. But when I was told they’d got something else that could possibly help, it was kind of hard to say, it’s not, it wasn’t a let down, it was just something very different, it was harder to deal with than it was to deal with being told you’re going to die. Because when somebody tells you you’re going to die, your pension, bollocks to that, you don’t have to care about that anymore, you don’t have to care about savings. If they’re going to send you a thing through the post saying do you want a £25,000 loan, you immediately say yes. But when they tell you you’re going to survive you’ve then got to deal with all this crap again, and that was quite hard, you know. Well I think it was quite hard for me, I think my partner coped with it better than I did. I think she’s coped with just about everything better than I did.