Michael - Interview 112

More about me...
Michael is in remission from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and takes daily antibiotics to keep infections at bay; the drug makes his stomach a bit sensitive and he sometimes feels slightly nauseous.
Michael is in remission from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and takes daily antibiotics to keep infections at bay; the drug makes his stomach a bit sensitive and he sometimes feels slightly nauseous.
I’m going to have to take prophylactic antibiotics for the rest of my life, but it, you know, occasionally apart from makes my stomach slightly sensitive, more sensitive, and occasionally I feel a bit sick when I get up in the mornings, but it’s very, very minor.
In the middle of his treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Michael discovered he had melanoma (skin cancer); he thinks he read somewhere that he was at increased risk.
In the middle of his treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Michael discovered he had melanoma (skin cancer); he thinks he read somewhere that he was at increased risk.
So do you want to talk about your melanoma that you got subsequently?
Michael had been a keen runner before developing chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Since being in remission he has returned to running and explains that this has been very important for his self-image.
Michael had been a keen runner before developing chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Since being in remission he has returned to running and explains that this has been very important for his self-image.
The other issue is about returning to, is about self-image and being diagnosed with the disease and how you can help repair it. And what was very important for me was to try and get back to the level of fitness that I had beforehand. And okay, I’ve got the disease, I may or might have it forever, it may well come back, but if I can do everything that I, you know, was able to do, albeit, you know, age is, takes its toll anyway. And for me what was very important was running, as I used to jog and run before. I’ve had to stop and intermittently start it again. And over the last year, yeah, it’s almost a year now, I’ve started to run regularly again and gradually got a bit faster and faster and felt fitter and fitter. And that has been very, very, very important to my sense of well-being and my self-image. And of course it’s not for everybody, I know that, but I think it is important to try and go back to all the things that you used to do and enjoy.
Michael is feeling optimistic about his future having probably been cured of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia by a stem cell transplant; his time horizons have changed since being in remission.
Michael is feeling optimistic about his future having probably been cured of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia by a stem cell transplant; his time horizons have changed since being in remission.
Michael was sad to retire, and now that he finds leukaemia is playing less of a major role in his life, he wishes he was still working.
Michael was sad to retire, and now that he finds leukaemia is playing less of a major role in his life, he wishes he was still working.