Pamela and Anthony - Interview 11

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Anthony thinks at his age health problems are unavoidable. He would rather know if something is wrong, even if it's minor. It has made him more cautious but also more determined to enjoy life.
Anthony thinks at his age health problems are unavoidable. He would rather know if something is wrong, even if it's minor. It has made him more cautious but also more determined to enjoy life.
It’s possibly made me sort of think a little bit more about not doing sense, stupid things. As I say, with my present situation in having, you know, lost Pam, things like car have become very important to me living in the country as I do, so, therefore, I’m very, very careful when I go out, as I will be going two or three time this week, not to drink. Not to, I mean, I might have one drink but that’s not anymore no more than that. And you know, just be sensible about things. I’ve never smoked so I’ve never had the problem with smoking and I feel sorry for people that do start and smoking at young age and find it very difficult to get over. And I feel quite pleased that I haven’t smoked because I feel that if I’d spent all that money on smoking, I would not have been able to do a lot of the things that I have done since. I spent, as I’ve said to you, I’ve spent a lot of money on holidays and things like this which we both thoroughly enjoy and you know, I think this is, you’ve just got to be sensible in life. You know, if you want to do something you do it and that’s what my mother always taught me. She always said to me, “If you want something boy and you can afford it, have it. Don’t put it off till tomorrow because tomorrow never comes.”
The experience was entirely positive for Anthony and Pam, and he'd encourage anyone else to take part. Without research, we cannot improve treatments in future.
The experience was entirely positive for Anthony and Pam, and he'd encourage anyone else to take part. Without research, we cannot improve treatments in future.
Yes, definitely. Yes, I would definitely think that, it’s a thing that other people ought to do [sighs]. Whether you’d say everybody ought to do it, I don’t know but you know, there’s, I would think it’s one of those things that ought to be done, as I say. Unless you do research you can’t find cures for things, can you? And that’s, it’s a simple as that really. And I’m quite happy to take part in it. No, no problems from my point of view. And then if Pam was here she’s say exactly the same thing. She was, we, we were both more than happy. In fact, when I got the appointment to go for the [research project], she said, “Oh, I wonder if I could do that.” And, you know, that she, it, we both thought it was a good thing to do.
Pamela explains that her husband was invited to take part but when she rang the surgery to fix an appointment for him she was asked if she'd like to come too.
Pamela explains that her husband was invited to take part but when she rang the surgery to fix an appointment for him she was asked if she'd like to come too.
When we got the original letter we discussed it and we thought it was a really good idea, not only for us but for other people. But it was, the letter was originally sent just to my husband, because I think probably because he was 80. Well, then I rang the Health Centre to make an appointment for him to go and see the person to do the research, and the lady on the phone said to me, “Is there anyone in the house that’s over 65 as well?” and I said, “Well yes, I am,” so she said, “Do you want to come as well?” And I thought “Oh brilliant! So I may as well go as well.” So that’s how it started and we had appointments one after the other on, you know, one morning, the day before it snowed, and that was fine.
Pamela and Anthony took part mainly because medical research needs volunteers to improve treatment. They were not expecting any problems, but if something is wrong it's best to know earlier so something can be done about it.
Pamela and Anthony took part mainly because medical research needs volunteers to improve treatment. They were not expecting any problems, but if something is wrong it's best to know earlier so something can be done about it.
Anthony' Yes, that’s true, you know, I think this is, it’s better to look at these things at the early stage rather than letting things go on and then it becomes too late.
Pamela supports animal testing if it's essential and the animals are well looked after. She and Anthony would be happy to take part in other research studies if it can help others.
Pamela supports animal testing if it's essential and the animals are well looked after. She and Anthony would be happy to take part in other research studies if it can help others.
Pamela' Yes, yes we’d do anything like that.
Pamela and Anthony thought it was wonderful that the screening could be done in their local health centre. It's easy to get to, a familiar environment and less frightening than hospital.
Pamela and Anthony thought it was wonderful that the screening could be done in their local health centre. It's easy to get to, a familiar environment and less frightening than hospital.
Anthony' Mm.
Anthony was fascinated by the ultrasound technology. He and Pamela found the whole experience interesting and enjoyable.
Anthony was fascinated by the ultrasound technology. He and Pamela found the whole experience interesting and enjoyable.
Pamela' No, it wouldn’t make any difference, no.
Pamela discovered she had a narrowed valve, while Anthony had a leaky valve. They have not experienced any symptoms and they are not worried. Pamela says it's just down to age.
Pamela discovered she had a narrowed valve, while Anthony had a leaky valve. They have not experienced any symptoms and they are not worried. Pamela says it's just down to age.
Anthony' Well, what she said was that the valve, not that it wouldn’t affect me, she didn’t, you know - it wasn’t serious. It was a sort of age thing and, you know, and as you said, they may ask me to do various other things, which I said I would be quite happy to do, you know, quite happy with that.
Anthony and Pamela appreciated getting detailed results in the letter. If they had wanted more information they would have asked their GP, but they would not look on the internet.
Anthony and Pamela appreciated getting detailed results in the letter. If they had wanted more information they would have asked their GP, but they would not look on the internet.
Anthony waited six months for a follow up appointment but didn't worry at all while waiting. He knew it was nothing serious.
Anthony waited six months for a follow up appointment but didn't worry at all while waiting. He knew it was nothing serious.
No problem.