Peg and Roy - Interview 12

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Roy got a letter about the study. His wife Peg rang to fix an appointment and was asked if anyone else in the house was aged 65 or over. She was already being investigated for a heart murmur but was able to take part.
Roy got a letter about the study. His wife Peg rang to fix an appointment and was asked if anyone else in the house was aged 65 or over. She was already being investigated for a heart murmur but was able to take part.
Well, we first heard about it when, it was Roy who had the letter come through and we made the appointment. And I’d been to the doctor and she said, she examined me sort of thing for another something I went for, and she said that I had a heart murmur and that she hadn’t heard it before. And she would make an appointment for me to have an echo sounding. Then when the letter came through for Roy and I rang up the appointment, for the appointment, they asked me at the surgery, was there anyone else in the house over sixty-five? And I said, “Well, yes, I am.” So they said, “Well, would you like to come along?” And I said that I’d had this appointment with the doctor and that she was going to send me for an echo sounding. She said, “Well, this is entirely different. Would you like to come along?” So I said, “Yes.” So we both went along.
Peg had been asked to take part in a drug trial but decided against it. That seemed more risky than having the heart scan, and she takes enough tablets already.
Peg had been asked to take part in a drug trial but decided against it. That seemed more risky than having the heart scan, and she takes enough tablets already.
Peg' We’re both diabetic. I’ve got high blood pressure. I’ve got trouble with my thyroid, an under-active thyroid, and I also have fibromyalgia. So taking that lot, I don’t want to have anything else, sort of thing. I’ll take anything that’s - health wise, we take a cod liver oil capsule every day sort of thing, both of us.
Roy and Peg hold different views about animal testing. Peg is against animal testing and any other research which is interfering with nature, such as research using embryo stem cells.
Roy and Peg hold different views about animal testing. Peg is against animal testing and any other research which is interfering with nature, such as research using embryo stem cells.
Peg' Well, no, no, it’s not. It’s not. It’s just, I just don’t feel that it’s right that you should interfere with human nature.
Peg and Roy said the screening visit was very simple, just like going to see their doctor. Peg was not worried about having to undress to the waist, but thought younger women might be less willing.
Peg and Roy said the screening visit was very simple, just like going to see their doctor. Peg was not worried about having to undress to the waist, but thought younger women might be less willing.
Roy' Yeah.
It was a relief for Roy to be told his heart was fine. He wasn't worried beforehand, but you never know.
It was a relief for Roy to be told his heart was fine. He wasn't worried beforehand, but you never know.
Roy' No, but, you know, I mean it’s no good worrying about things. It doesn’t – that won’t do any good to anybody.
Peg was worried about her screening results. She was glad she had another appointment the same day to investigate a heart murmur, because it meant she could get more information straightaway about future treatment options.
Peg was worried about her screening results. She was glad she had another appointment the same day to investigate a heart murmur, because it meant she could get more information straightaway about future treatment options.
Peg' That’s just how it worked out. And I ummed and ahhed about it, and I did explain to the doctor when I got there at the hospital that what had happened. “Oh, well.” He said, “We’ll see if we come up with the same results.” And of course they did which was - but he, being a doctor, was able to explain, because I mean I don’t know what training the young lady had that took our scans, sort of thing, had, but he then went on to explain what would happen.
Roy sees himself as quite lucky health-wise and does not worry about it much. Peg has had more ill health so she thinks about it more.
Roy sees himself as quite lucky health-wise and does not worry about it much. Peg has had more ill health so she thinks about it more.
Peg' --sit in a chair in front of the screen.