Shelia - Interview 21

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Sheila feels strongly that without the preventative screening which was offered while she studied in Israel and the follow up checks carried out privately in the UK, she would not have discovered she had cancer until it was too advanced to treat. She would like to see more preventative care offered on the NHS and feels that more money should be spent on health more generally.
Sheila went privately to be tested for the Founder mutations in the BRCA genes, and was upset when the result gave her only a 60% certainty of being negative. She thinks her siblings living outside the UK received a much better service.
Sheila went privately to be tested for the Founder mutations in the BRCA genes, and was upset when the result gave her only a 60% certainty of being negative. She thinks her siblings living outside the UK received a much better service.
Sheila never thought that she would die when she was diagnosed with breast cancer but she was very worried.
Sheila never thought that she would die when she was diagnosed with breast cancer but she was very worried.
But I think that actually in the back of my mind though, I wasn’t that sure if I was going to be alright, but I did at that stage, I mean I was studying part time, I was only working part time, I had to be terribly careful about money, and I bought a present for a little girl, here who had hurt her finger, I mean, I seemed to spend quite a lot of money, and I think I must have thought, well you know, if I’m not going to be around what difference does it make sort of thing. You know what I mean. So on one level I was absolutely positive, but on another level I actually probably was, was, was quite, quite worried. But I never thought that, I don’t think I ever thought that, you know, I, I might not be here in six months or a year’s time.