
Age at interview: 24
Brief Outline: (Text only clips) Adam has guttate psoriasis which initially developed on his scalp in primary school. He has tried different treatments but worries about exhausting options. Adam’s confidence has been affected by having psoriasis, impacting on his social life and sexual-romantic relationships.
Background: Adam is aged 24, gay and of White British ethnicity. He is in full-time employment and single.
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Adam first developed psoriasis on his scalp during primary school. His first major flare-up of guttate psoriasis was when he was 19 and studying at university. The medications that were recommended by GPs became less effective for him. He had to wait two months to see a dermatologist and was given a steroid ointment that worked well. Adam also underwent UV light treatment, which managed to prevent flare-ups for three months. However, Adam is concerned that the treatments offered to people with psoriasis have not advanced much in the last 20 years and he would like to know why a cure for psoriasis has not been found yet. He is worried that each treatment will be less effective and that he will “run out” of treatments by the time he is 30. Adam moisturises often and the frequency depends on the state of his skin. He also plans ahead and treats his skin a few days before a date or a night out.
Although Adam’s psoriasis is more manageable now, he has struggled with the emotional impact of the condition. During his first flare-up, he went to see a counsellor for depression and anxiety. He spent a lot of time at home and missed his first year exams at university. His skin condition has a big effect on his self-confidence and social life because he is afraid that others will judge him and find him unattractive. His sex life is also directly affected by psoriasis as he avoids exposing his body to others during flare-ups. Adam has used excuses to avoid situations where he would have to expose his skin to others. In one intimate relationship, Adam told his partner about his psoriasis and he felt more relaxed about his skin. However, he generally refrains from telling others about his psoriasis out of fear that they will comment on his skin. Adam has found that most healthcare professionals do not have the time to discuss the major emotional impacts of having psoriasis. He emphasises that healthcare professionals should not view patients with psoriasis as “just a piece of skin” and that more emotional support should be offered.
Adam uses the internet to research alternative treatments and other people’s experiences with psoriasis. He has seen online scams advertising cures for psoriasis which he says target people when they are most vulnerable and desperate. He believes that healthcare professionals generally do not warn against such things because they are unaware of the extent of scams present online. Adam’s advice to young people with psoriasis is to “take ownership” of their condition and be assertive when asking for treatment from a GP. He suggests going to see a dermatologist and emphasises the importance of acknowledging the emotional effects of having psoriasis. His advice to healthcare professionals is to pay attention to the mental health of young people with psoriasis as they may feel very self-conscious and vulnerable.
Although Adam’s psoriasis is more manageable now, he has struggled with the emotional impact of the condition. During his first flare-up, he went to see a counsellor for depression and anxiety. He spent a lot of time at home and missed his first year exams at university. His skin condition has a big effect on his self-confidence and social life because he is afraid that others will judge him and find him unattractive. His sex life is also directly affected by psoriasis as he avoids exposing his body to others during flare-ups. Adam has used excuses to avoid situations where he would have to expose his skin to others. In one intimate relationship, Adam told his partner about his psoriasis and he felt more relaxed about his skin. However, he generally refrains from telling others about his psoriasis out of fear that they will comment on his skin. Adam has found that most healthcare professionals do not have the time to discuss the major emotional impacts of having psoriasis. He emphasises that healthcare professionals should not view patients with psoriasis as “just a piece of skin” and that more emotional support should be offered.
Adam uses the internet to research alternative treatments and other people’s experiences with psoriasis. He has seen online scams advertising cures for psoriasis which he says target people when they are most vulnerable and desperate. He believes that healthcare professionals generally do not warn against such things because they are unaware of the extent of scams present online. Adam’s advice to young people with psoriasis is to “take ownership” of their condition and be assertive when asking for treatment from a GP. He suggests going to see a dermatologist and emphasises the importance of acknowledging the emotional effects of having psoriasis. His advice to healthcare professionals is to pay attention to the mental health of young people with psoriasis as they may feel very self-conscious and vulnerable.
Adam worries about what the future might hold with the severity of his psoriasis and whether treatments, like steroid creams, will still be effective on his skin.
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Adam worries about what the future might hold with the severity of his psoriasis and whether treatments, like steroid creams, will still be effective on his skin.
And I do track that sort of thing. And I’m worried that what I’ve used is, is not going to work on me soon, because things have stopped working on me in the past. And, or they’re not as, this, this ointment that I use, it used to, I remember when I used to put it on, it would literally, I would see an improvement by the end of the day. Like it was so good when I first got it. It was amazing. Now it takes like, if I was to put it on say today, it would take maybe like four days for the effects to kind of kick in. Which is still not too bad.
Adam uses a steroid-based ointment on his guttate psoriasis. Because the patches are so small, he tends to apply it to the general area affected.
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Adam uses a steroid-based ointment on his guttate psoriasis. Because the patches are so small, he tends to apply it to the general area affected.
So I can just, so like I get loads of tiny bits kind of that... Because I know kind of say with ointment and like kind of that they’ve got steroids in and stuff, that you should really like only put it on parts of skin that need treating. But if I’ve got like ten bits that are all within like a 10 centimetre radius or something like that, then I’ll just, like that whole area will just get like slapped on and stuff like that. But I wouldn’t kind of put it on a p-, like a healthy piece of skin or, or something, a clear piece of skin.
Adam’s psoriasis used to flare-up rapidly. It’s now a slower process and usually related to stress.
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Adam’s psoriasis used to flare-up rapidly. It’s now a slower process and usually related to stress.
Usually followed by, yeah, an outbreak of psoriasis and a bit on my face or my body or my scalp.
A relationship break-up triggered Adam’s psoriasis, adding to his upset.
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A relationship break-up triggered Adam’s psoriasis, adding to his upset.
Psoriasis contributed to Adam’s depression, anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which had a big impact on his university studies.
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Psoriasis contributed to Adam’s depression, anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which had a big impact on his university studies.
I just remember being so obsessed with it at the time. I had to go and see a counsellor because of it. It triggered like so much depression. I had really bad anxiety. I didn’t go to my exams in first year because I couldn’t physically sit in a room with people or study or anything like that. So it just threw me so much and it, and, because it wasn’t, it was no longer manageable. So I never, it never really fazed me when I was able to manage it. But all of a sudden I felt hopeless. And I was just like, “This is what my body’s going to look like for the rest of my life, if not get worse.” So I, I just, I just, it kind of sent me almost OCD about it. And I used to try, I mean which probably also wasn’t good for my skin at the time, but I was just desperate to be like proactive in kind of like getting rid of it. That I would put one thing on in the morning, so I’d shower, and then I would drape myself in all the moisturisers, then I would put something on. Three hours later I would go and shower, drape myself [laughs] in all the moisturisers, put something new on. Then, and I would just do this throughout the day, different things. Like five times a day I would shower and then cover myself in the moisturisers. I used to go to bed having draped myself in moisturisers in the hope that like it would give my skin so much moisture or something like that, that I would wake up and it would be gone. I would wake up being like really slippery and soft, have a good shower. And I would just do this ritual.
Adam became frustrated with seeing different GPs about his psoriasis.
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Adam became frustrated with seeing different GPs about his psoriasis.
Adam has sometimes argued with GPs about psoriasis treatments.
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Adam has sometimes argued with GPs about psoriasis treatments.
And I do get their reasoning behind it. And I think that’s when you have to like, there’s the, obviously for your body I get what they’re saying in terms of, “Okay, maybe you should try and, kind of like something weaker and see how that goes.” But in terms of my mind, my mentality and how it’s making me feel, I don’t care. I want the stuff that’s stronger. So, and they often do kind of bow to that cos they see that’s, kind of like you’re quite desperate.
I remember this one time actually, again I actually went GP’s. And there’s nothing against them or anything like that. But I remember they, so Dermovate, you’ve got like the cream and you’ve got the ointment. And the ointment works better. The cream’s better in terms of like, I don’t know why the cream’s better, for some things. But I know the ointment works faster. And I remember I kept asking for ointment m-, because it said it worked faster. And the GP was like, “No, the cream works faster.” And, and I was like, “No, the ointment does.” And, and it wasn’t until I went back to see a dermatologist again because this doctor sh-, for some reason wasn’t giving me ointment. And I went to see, no, it wasn’t a dermatologist, I went to see someone else. And I was just like, and they were like “Ah, do you not want the ointment? Cos it’s faster.” And I was like, “I knew it, I knew it was faster” and stuff like that. So, and then since then I’ve been back on the ointment.
Adam varies his topical treatments routines depending on the severity of his psoriasis and plans around his social life.
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Adam varies his topical treatments routines depending on the severity of his psoriasis and plans around his social life.
So again if I knew I was staying over with someone, then I would prepare. And I would prepare in terms of like be, have, have treatments done beforehand. And I would, I would treat myself well enough. Or like if I say was staying there for like two nights, I wouldn’t bring my like treatment with me or something like that. But if I was staying there for longer, I would bring it. And then I would like plan to do the treatment at a time where it was suitable and I was being a bit, I could be a bit sly around it or something like that. Or if it was a night where “we had sex that night, that night, probably not gonna have sex tonight” or this night I’ll just say I’m a bit too tired. Go do the treatment and put a T-shirt on or something like that. Yeah, it would be, so it goes through my mind. Yeah, I plan it.
Being cold when putting on topical treatments was an issue for Adam when he lived in student accommodation.
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Being cold when putting on topical treatments was an issue for Adam when he lived in student accommodation.
And, but, so that wasn’t always great, that kind of routine when I kind of like couldn’t afford heating. Or, or you had to, the politics of kind of like I wanted the heating on and part. And also like, I used to, the people that I used to live with like having a warm flat was important to me because of my skin. But I, and I don’t think I, well, I d-, well, again I didn’t wanna be like we’ve got all put the heating on like today unless they, like I just wanted it on occasionally. Because I’d be in a really cold flat and I know that the cold’s not good for my skin and it makes it break out. And then it also means that I don’t wanna treat my skin so easily because it’s a really uncomfortable experience. So that wasn’t so great. But then now I live with my parents where it’s like warm all the time, where if I want to I can like walk around in like just my tracksuit bottoms and like no T-shirt on. And if I thought, “I’d better treat my skin” or something like that, I can go up and put it on and just go and sit down and no, no one will batter an eyelid or anything like that. So it means I’m probably more active in terms of looking after my skin than I was when I lived in this like freezing cold flat where it was just like, one, it was bad for my skin in the first place and, two, it was then very uncomfortable to treat my bad skin.
Adam worries that using steroid cream on his face has damaged the skin.
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Adam worries that using steroid cream on his face has damaged the skin.
Adam has tried various topical treatments. One steroid cream was very effective at clearing up his psoriasis.
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Adam has tried various topical treatments. One steroid cream was very effective at clearing up his psoriasis.
Adam had a bad experience using a dithranol topical treatment when he didn’t follow the instructions.
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Adam had a bad experience using a dithranol topical treatment when he didn’t follow the instructions.
Is that something that you then had to get more treatment for? Did you have to go to the hospital or GP or something?
No, I just had to basically, cos I went straight to the doctor and he was like, “holy shit” [laughs] or something like that. And like my skin wasn’t peeling or anything like that. It was just very raw and red almost, and just like having quite bad sunburn is what basically happened. And I just had to kind of like wait for it to go away and just had to moisturise. And I think it took about a month or six weeks to go down. I took pictures of it at the time. I’ve got them somewhere, yeah.
Did you use that treatment again afterwards?
No, never touched it.
Adam prefers T-Gel over other coal-tar shampoos.
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Adam prefers T-Gel over other coal-tar shampoos.
And I don’t think it has a very strong smell. I know that if someone just came up to smelled my hair though after using it, they would smell the coal tar and something like that. But it’s not like the other one where it’s like, takes over the room or something like that. And, but then usually after I’ve showered then I get ready for the day, and then before I leave I put some product in my hair anyway. So I know that would mask it. So it’s not something I particularly worry about, purely because I have a routine. I probably, even if I went out with it afterwards, and I think T-Gel’s very good, so I wouldn’t be worried unless someone come up and like put their head in my hair, [laughs] or something like that. So, which never happens.
Adam talks about his experiences of having phototherapy.
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Adam talks about his experiences of having phototherapy.
Yeah, it was funny, it was strange. It was, I can’t really explain it. I remember being very excited to have it. I remember initially being nervous. I’d heard, again I’d heard different like takes on it from different GPs. Once one told me that you can only have it three times in your life. And I was just like, “Oh, my God, I’m gonna use them all up and then...” something like that. Another one said, “No, it doesn’t really matter” or something like that. “It just depends on your needs and stuff like that and your skin.” I’ve got really fair skin. So there are concerns about me using UV treatment in general. So I remember like, well, you’d go in and then you would sit like in your waiting area and stuff like that. You’d inform the nurses that you were there. The nurses were brilliant. And you’d all be in the waiting area. You would sit and there’s people who also have psoriasis or some form of skin condition that’s there. And then you’d get called in. You’d go behind your curtain where your UV pod thing is, or whatever they’re called. You would get undressed. As a man you’d have to put a sock over your, your penis, cos obviously your skin’s very thin around there. So that couldn’t be exposed. You’d put goggles on to cover your eyes. Some people had to put masks on their face as well. And I had really small doses of light because my skin was really fair. So I mean my first time, I think I went and you have to get all undressed and everything like that.
And I think I was in there for like 15 seconds and then I went out. And then I was doing that, and then it slowly increased. And I think it got to like 40 seconds or something like that being there.
Adam found it a positive experience seeing others with psoriasis in the waiting room when he was having phototherapy treatment.
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Adam found it a positive experience seeing others with psoriasis in the waiting room when he was having phototherapy treatment.
I remember seeing this guy that I really fancied there and, and being quite happy that he had psoriasis, cos I was just like thinking, “It’s not just me.” And, and so, cos you just assume that kind of like everyone who’s like ugly has like a bad skin condition. I know it’s terrible to say and really judgemental. But someone that like, it was quite nice to see that someone, ha-had I seen them on the street, not knowing that he’d come to that clinic, I would’ve been really envious and angry almost at him at points. Being like, “Fuck it. Like probably got perfect skin, perfect life” or something like that. And, or if I saw him in a bar. Kind of being like “Oh I’ve got stupid fucking, look at this guy. I wish I was like him.” And that sort of guy was sat next to me, also undergoing what I was going. So that kind of almost brought people like together in the same space and we were all just all different walks of life. And so it was quite nice in that sense to go.
Adam’s phototherapy sessions were timed to fit around his lectures.
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Adam’s phototherapy sessions were timed to fit around his lectures.
Adam declined phototherapy when he was first offered as he didn’t want to stop using topical steroids.
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Adam declined phototherapy when he was first offered as he didn’t want to stop using topical steroids.
And then end up, realising that this particular ointment you’re allowed to use while having UV treatment. A lot of the others you weren’t allowed to use. So I was actually on an ointment that you were able to. So I then agreed to have UV treatment. And then I weaned myself off the ointment as you could see the effects change from UV treatment.
Adam’s face was once burnt from phototherapy, which drew unwanted attention.
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Adam’s face was once burnt from phototherapy, which drew unwanted attention.
Adam says the emotional impact of psoriasis outweighed the physical aspects for him.
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Adam says the emotional impact of psoriasis outweighed the physical aspects for him.
Adam talks about his appearance, as affected by seeing his reflection and with different room lighting.
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Adam talks about his appearance, as affected by seeing his reflection and with different room lighting.
Or like my ski-, I feel like my skin looks different in different lighting as well. I’m very pale anyway. So I don’t feel like I have good skin anyway. I feel like my skin’s very blotchy and stuff like that. So if I’m in like darker kind of mood lighting almost, then like I feel like my skin looks okay. But put me in like a hospital kind of light environment and I become incredibly conscious of how I look. And I could be out somewhere and go to the bathroom, and you’ve got a really bright light above the mirror in the bathroom, and just be confronted with how my skin looks. And I will leave that situation or leave that scenario and just go home because I can’t spend the rest of my day, feeling comfortable. I can’t, like then I’d pro-, and that will then that will then trigger me to go home and start treating my skin. Because I have to do something about, even though like nothing can be done.
And it’s happened in my job at the moment. I’m allowed to work from home if I want as well. And I’ve only done it once. But one day I went to the doctor’s actually and it was to talk about my skin. And when I left the doctor’s I went to use the bathroom. And I was meant to go to work immediately from the doctor’s. And as I used it, again it’s like really bright lights and stuff like that, and I just saw my skin. And I physically couldn’t take myself to work. I just went home. I did all my work from home. That was fine. But I just couldn’t go in.
Adam came across scams online promising long-lasting ‘cures’ for psoriasis.
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Adam came across scams online promising long-lasting ‘cures’ for psoriasis.
But I paid for this booklet that had like a guide. I think I paid like 20 dollars and it was just a PDF that was sent to me. And, and it was just basically like, “Follow these steps and you won’t have psoriasis.” This guy who apparently had psoriasis posted on the forum his like cure for psoriasis and it was a dietary cure. And, and it was basically like, “If you eat just this for the next like 40-odd days or something like that, then your skin will go from here.” And this guy had very severe plaque psoriasis to here. And he had an after picture. I don’t know if you’ve, if you’ve come across any of them. And I was like, “Oh, my God.” And I started emailing this guy. And I don’t know whether, like I feel he may have been genuine, like that happened to him. And I don’t, cos it didn’t come across at all like a scam. Like to me, he was emailing me back like decently. Like, without kind of being like, “What’s your credit card details?” or anything like that.
Adam’s routine with topical treatments has been very time-consuming, requiring him to be at home for a long stretch of time.
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Adam’s routine with topical treatments has been very time-consuming, requiring him to be at home for a long stretch of time.
Adam says he won’t have sex if his psoriasis is flared-up. He sometimes makes excuses about this to avoid explaining the real reasons.
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Adam says he won’t have sex if his psoriasis is flared-up. He sometimes makes excuses about this to avoid explaining the real reasons.
So I would, yeah, I remember it would just be really bad and I just wouldn’t have sex. And then all of a sudden I had a really good skin, I’d be out in the gay bar every night for like four days. Because, and then I would try and pull as many people as possible because I was like, “Oh, my skin’s gonna fuck up again soon and I might not have sex for the next three weeks or a month” or something like that. So I used to do that. And then like, I’d like, sexual partners like that were more than once, say if I’d had sex with, had really good sex with, who would then ask me like at another random time like, “Oh, can I come over, [participant name removed]? Like we’ve had sex three times. Surely you want me to come over again.” Like, like I’d be so up for them coming over, but my skin would be bad and I would just say, “No.” Like I’d be like, “Oh, I’m like not that kind of guy any more” or something like that. I’d like think of all these excuses to kind of deny them like the right to come over. Although actually what I wanted was intimacy with someone at the time. So I never risked it. I never, because of I’m very conscious that if someone did make a comment on me, I don’t think I would be able to take it very well.
The emotional impact of his psoriasis affected Adam’s university studies.
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The emotional impact of his psoriasis affected Adam’s university studies.
Adam has a different approach to trying treatments now that he pays for prescriptions.
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Adam has a different approach to trying treatments now that he pays for prescriptions.
In terms of costs, it’s c-, again cos I’ve lived, with different healthcare systems. I used to I think be a lot more proactive about getting help in Scotland, getting different treatments and trying things out, because of, it was free. So I was a lot more open to that. Being in England, I’m a lot more cautious about kind of the financial costs of like prescriptions because obviously it all adds up and stuff like that. So the great thing about living in Scotland was that if I needed something, if it didn’t work, it was like, “well, it didn’t cost me any money” or something like that. So I was constantly able to get all my treatment for free. I wouldn’t say it’s like a massive financial burden on my life, but it’s a cost that I have to pay that someone without psoriasis doesn’t have to pay.
Adam encourages young people with psoriasis to consider different treatments and keep seeing medical professionals.
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Adam encourages young people with psoriasis to consider different treatments and keep seeing medical professionals.