Shared decision making
Profiles - Nerves & brain
Interview 07- Carers of people with dementia

Carer is a husband who has so far managed to care for his wife at home with respite care every 8 weeks. They have two children. She was diagnosed in 2000.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
Interview 09- Carers of people with dementia

Carer is the oldest daughter of three children, who over many years found the conflict between responsibilities towards her mother and her young family very difficult. Carer is married but has given up her job as part time social worker.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
Interview 11- Carers of people with dementia

Carer is a married teacher with her own family responsibilities (1 daughter 1 granddaughter) looking after her widowed mother. She is the youngest daughter of three children. Her mother was diagnosed in 1996.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
Interview 15- Carers of people with dementia
Carer is married with her own family (2 children). She shared decision making with her brother and sister for her widowed mother who was diagnosed in 1998 / 1999.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
Interview 23 - Carers of people with dementia
Carer who had been a teacher looks after her partner, a former policeman, who has Pick's dementia at home. Diagnosed in 2000. Between them they have 3 children.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
Interview 54- Carers of people with dementia

Carer is one of 4 daughters looking after their widowed mother. She has two daughters of her own and works as a script editor. Her mother never went to work.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
Penny - MND

Penny is a retired primary school headteacher, married with 2 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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Cordelia - MND

Cordelia is a married housewife with 6 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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Sarah - MND

Sarah is a full-time mother (formerly secretary), divorced, with 2 children aged 6 and 9. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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Roger - MND

Roger is a mini-bus driver, widowed, with 5 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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Natalia - Parkinson's disease
Widow, 1 adult daughter, living alone, retired university lecturer.
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Ruth - Parkinson's disease

Married, 2 adult children, retired clerk.
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Eddie - Parkinson's disease

Allotments Officer, single.
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Harry - Epilepsy

Harry is a 20-year-old college student. He is single and lives at home with his parents. Ethnic background / nationality - White British.
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Mike - MND

Mike (aged 54) and Gill (aged 49) are a married couple with 3 adult children. Mike retired as a Fire Master. Gill is a management consultant. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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