Lucinda - Interview 33

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Lucinda, aged 37 years, is a single mother to her son Toby aged 10 years. Lucinda describes herself as White British as works fulltime in the legal profession. Toby was diagnosed with migraine at the age of six and in 2010 Lucinda was invited to enroll her son in a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial on the treatment of migraine in children.
Lucinda explains that although the drugs are already used to treat migraine in adults, this is the first time the drug has been tested in children.
Lucinda explains that although the drugs are already used to treat migraine in adults, this is the first time the drug has been tested in children.
Well, it, it has, it, it, the, both the drugs that are being trialed are currently used for childhood migraine, but they’d never done a study. And it can also, they’ve, they’ve linked, see, the other side that didn’t want me to do it, childhood migraine they’ve found is linked to epilepsy. So treatments that are given for migraine are actually also used for epilepsy in children. Which, the symptoms are slurred speech, slowness, and I didn’t want him to fall behind in school. And that’s why initially I said no to medication in 2008. But I think because they got so severe, so I don’t really think we had much choice. We had to try something. Toby was going to be put on one of these medications anyway, so we thought, “May as well go ahead with the trial.” If they can get more feedback from parents and children, anything can help.
Anything to help prevent other children from having migraines was one of the reasons Lucinda and her son agreed to take part in a drug trial.
Anything to help prevent other children from having migraines was one of the reasons Lucinda and her son agreed to take part in a drug trial.
And, to be honest, any data that we can give that helps look into migraine, especially with children. Because I know it’s awful for adults to suffer, but children don’t, don’t understand and they don’t understand their bodies the same. And as a parent you feel quite helpless when you see your child in so much pain. So I from my point of view, anything that helps discover anything about this, it’s a bonus, a big bonus.
When the trial ends her Lucinda's son might feel relieved not to be taking so many tablets every day, but it is important that children receive feedback on the trial results.
When the trial ends her Lucinda's son might feel relieved not to be taking so many tablets every day, but it is important that children receive feedback on the trial results.
I think Toby will be relieved not to have to take eight tablets a day. But then maybe he’ll just go on to one tablet a day or what, whatever the dosage is for the medication. I don’t think it’ll make much difference to us, because it’s not a major thing to take medication in the morning and in the evening. I know it is for, for children. But I think because he’s got used to it and he knows that it could possibly lead to something that’s going to help him, I just don’t think it makes that much difference. Sort of two seconds out of your life, isn’t it? So, no, I don’t think it’s going to make much difference at all.
When medication is involved it isn't an easy decision to make and Lucinda required lots of reassurance that the drug had undergone adequate preliminary testing.
When medication is involved it isn't an easy decision to make and Lucinda required lots of reassurance that the drug had undergone adequate preliminary testing.
What sort of questions did you have?
Lucinda's son had his own information to read and an assent form to sign; he was involved in the decision right from the beginning.
Lucinda's son had his own information to read and an assent form to sign; he was involved in the decision right from the beginning.
And then they spoke to my son as well. I was obviously in the same room but they weren’t directing questions to me. They were talking to him. And they asked what he thought about it. Rather than just putting him straight on medication, they explained that it would be really helpful because nobody had ever done a study on childhood migraine before, and would we like to participate?
Having the reassurance that the drug was already being used in children to treat migraine was...
Having the reassurance that the drug was already being used in children to treat migraine was...
So Tobias started with migraine in about 4, 5. I think he may have had about 4 but they were very severe. So we were back and forth to the GP. It wasn’t constant, so the GP just kept saying, “Well, carry on doing what you’re doing. Mess about with your medication.” In about 2008 the migraines were getting more and more severe, so we got referred to the children’s hospital, where he saw. He did full tests on Tobias and said there were several routes that we could take. He explained them all to me. The one that they were suggesting was to go on medication. Well, I wasn’t very happy about that at the time, because we looked at all the side effects and things. So we came away and I just thought, “Well, Tobias was getting used to them. He could manage them himself.” So we just plodded on and Tobias himself was happy to do that. But at the beginning of this year they were getting more and more frequent, sort of like having three a week. So they were knocking him out completely. He was missing school, activities after school which, he had to stop all his activities. So we went back to the GP. I said that we needed something doing about it, he needed looking at. So he said, “Right, okay” referred us back to Dr at the children’s hospital. We got a really quick appointment through. Then they arranged for us to have a second appointment with Dr. In the meantime they rang and said, “Would you be okay if a research nurse sat in on the appointment?” So we said, “Not a problem.” Anything at this point, because we just wanted to do something because Toby was suffering so much. So we had the second appointment. He spoke to myself at length, explained what research was going on in the hospital, what they were trying to do, who was running the research. And then they spoke to my son as well. I was obviously in the same room but they weren’t directing questions to me. They were talking to him. And they asked what he thought about it. Rather than just putting him straight on medication, they explained that it would be really helpful because nobody had ever done a study on childhood migraine before, and would we like to participate?
Lucinda isn't required to keep a diary, but keeps a note of the dates her son has a migraine and any other symptoms. She knows that if there are any bad side effects she can stop the trial immediately.
Lucinda isn't required to keep a diary, but keeps a note of the dates her son has a migraine and any other symptoms. She knows that if there are any bad side effects she can stop the trial immediately.
Just basically start the medication. Before he started the medication he had a four-week period where he kept a diary, logging the migraines and any auras. Since the medication started we haven’t had a diary to keep, but I’ve been keeping one for myself anyway, just so I know what dates he’s had migraine. Basically just to take his medication, which he’s very good at doing. He’s never missed any. And just monitor. If at any time I feel that his symptoms or he’s getting bad side effects, I can stop the trial immediately. And that was made very clear to me from the outset. You don’t have to take part. Not just myself. If Toby didn’t feel comfortable with it, he could stop taking medication. He’s had a few nosebleeds on the trial. And he’s had three migraines. But I think we’ve been doing it since October, October the 31st, so it’s actually, he’s done quite well considering he was having them two, three times a week. And I’m not saying that’s anything to do, it might not be. But that’s why he’s happy himself to stay on the trial. And I’m happy for, to support that.
Lucinda was worried that her son would find it hard to describe any side effects of the treatment. She found the support received from the doctors and knowing they could withdraw reassuring.
Lucinda was worried that her son would find it hard to describe any side effects of the treatment. She found the support received from the doctors and knowing they could withdraw reassuring.
I was very nervous actually, just because it wasn’t for me. And children aren’t very good at expressing themselves anyway, not; they’re not very good at expressing feelings. So if you, if you could say to Toby, “Can you describe your migraine?” it would just be like, “Oh, well, it...” Because apparently you could have left-sided or right-sided, well, Toby’s is all over, all at the front. So, but when the doctor was asking him certain questions he was very vague in his answers, where an adult can be more specific. So I was quite nervous because I didn’t want Toby to feel as if he was under too much pressure in that he couldn’t relay back to me any side effects. And I, I was quite nervous about that. But it, it’s okay, because I don’t; I don’t think I gave him enough credit really. Because he seems to know. And if he feels a bit off he’ll tell me. Or if he looks a bit peaky I’ll say, you know, “Looking a bit grey today. Are you okay?” Because you can usually tell when a migraine is coming on. But, no, I think once I’d been told that the medication was fine I felt a lot more at ease. Because, like you say, when you don’t know what medications do anyway.
Lucinda's son was happy to stay in the trial. So far he's had no major side effects, but if he did he might withdraw.
Lucinda's son was happy to stay in the trial. So far he's had no major side effects, but if he did he might withdraw.
Just basically start the medication. Before he started the medication he had a four-week period where he kept a diary, logging the migraines and any auras. Since the medication started we haven’t had a diary to keep, but I’ve been keeping one for myself anyway, just so I know what dates he’s had migraine. Basically just to take his medication, which he’s very good at doing. He’s never missed any. And just monitor. If at any time I feel that his symptoms or he’s getting bad side effects, I can stop the trial immediately. And that was made very clear to me from the outset. You don’t have to take part. Not just myself. If Toby didn’t feel comfortable with it, he could stop taking medication. He’s had a few nosebleeds on the trial. And he’s had three migraines. But I think we’ve been doing it since October, October the 31st, so it’s actually, he’s done quite well considering he was having them two, three times a week. And I’m not saying that’s anything to do, it might not be. But that’s why he’s happy himself to stay on the trial. And I’m happy for, to support that.
Lucinda says not to be afraid to ask questions, especially if your child will be taking any medication as part of the trial.
Lucinda says not to be afraid to ask questions, especially if your child will be taking any medication as part of the trial.
Just to get as much information as you can from the doctor running the trial, even if, sorry, even if they’re not running the trial. Because in our case [Doctor] isn’t running the trial, but he’s our point of contact as well as the nurses. But he has the information on the medication that you need to know. Also just to build up a good rapport with your nurses, your research nurses. Because that’s their job, that’s what they’re there for. Don’t be, don’t be afraid to ask anything. Once you’ve, once you’ve checked in your own mind that everything’s been checked and double-checked and you feel quite happy, I’d go for it. I’d tell anybody to go for research. It’s just, it’s got to help. We’ve got to progress, haven’t we? And that’s the only way we can do it. So, yes, I’d tell people to do it.
Lucinda supports research and was quite surprised that childhood migraine hadn't been researched.
Lucinda supports research and was quite surprised that childhood migraine hadn't been researched.
Depending on what it was, yes. I don’t have a problem with research. I think it’s a really important part; it’s a major part actually in science. And I know through my own work, collecting data is just a must. So whatever can help in the future, I think. And I was quite surprised actually when we were told that childhood migraine hadn’t been researched. I think if it’s been about for as long as it has, I was, I was really quite shocked that it hadn’t. I thought it would have been a lot more advanced. But I do understand that there isn’t much they can do. Because, as we were told, as, as Dr explained to Toby, there isn’t physically anything wrong with the brain, it’s just the cells. So there isn’t much they can do.
Lucinda's son had his own information and signed his own assent form to say he was happy to take part.
Lucinda's son had his own information and signed his own assent form to say he was happy to take part.
Well, I think it’s good, like you say that he has his own information. And, and did it come, I mean was it all words or were there words and pictures?
Lucinda would have been uneasy if there had been a payment for taking part.
Lucinda would have been uneasy if there had been a payment for taking part.
No, because it was a voluntary thing. And I wouldn’t expect it in a child anyway. And I think I wouldn’t expect it. Because I, I’ve had friends that have done clinical trials before on medication that, that isn’t on the market, and they’ll get a one, one-off fee for spending five days in hospital. This isn’t like that. This is medication that’s already being used in treatment. If we had have been offered a payment, I wouldn’t have done the trial.
A placebo isn't medication, although believing that it is may make patients feel better, but it doesn't do you any harm. It's just a way of finding the best treatment.
A placebo isn't medication, although believing that it is may make patients feel better, but it doesn't do you any harm. It's just a way of finding the best treatment.
Yes, we don’t know what Toby’s actually trialing at the moment. We don’t know what he’s on. Obviously a placebo does nothing for you. It doesn’t help at all, but it also doesn’t hinder. So that’s why I was quite happy to go on it. But, no, we don’t know what he’s on. I can’t really tell. Because they have asked if I can tell if there’s a difference. I can’t really tell at the moment.