
Age at interview: 74
Brief Outline: Elizabeth learned recently that her kidney function has been monitored for 6 years and is impaired. Although told it isn’t life threatening she worries that she might need dialysis in future. She has multiple health problems and feels weak and tired.
Background: Elizabeth is a retired mushroom picker. She is widowed with three adult daughters. Ethnicity: White British.
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Six weeks ago Elizabeth’s GP told her that her kidney function has been being monitored for the last six years and that they aren’t functioning as well as they used to. Although the GP explained that she should not worry about her kidney problem because it isn’t life threatening, Elizabeth was shocked by the news and does worry that she may need dialysis in future because she has known people in that situation, or that her kidneys may fail altogether. She says she was glad that she hadn’t found out earlier, and would prefer not to know about it now either. She doesn’t understand why her kidney function should have reduced and wonders whether it might be a result of taking thyroxine for an underactive thyroid gland for the past six years. She would also like to know if there is anything she could do to improve her kidney function. She also worries about her 38-year-old daughter whose kidney function has recently been found to be impaired. She talks about her worries to her sister-in-law and receives practical support from her daughters and neighbours.
Elizabeth has experienced a variety of health problems and feels she has deteriorated in the last year; she feels weak, tired and lethargic but hadn’t attributed any of her problems to her kidneys. In addition to her under active thyroid, she has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acid indigestion, osteoporosis, low blood pressure, vitamin D deficiency, and a cataract in one eye. She has a history of gall stones and has had her gall bladder removed and also two benign skin lesions from her head. She has smoked since age 14 and is trying to cut down to about 10 a day but is not motivated to quit entirely. Since her husband died seven years ago she hasn’t bothered cooking just for herself. She can no longer digest pastry or onions and pickles because of gastric pain but hopes that medication will help. She has not been offered any dietary advice by her doctor.
Elizabeth has been enrolled onto the BARACK-D trial for people with kidney impairment, which involves taking either an active drug or a placebo and monitoring changes in her health, particularly blood pressure. She has had two blood tests so far and is due for a third in about a month’s time but has not yet started on the medication. She has not been told the results of the blood tests or what they mean.
Elizabeth has experienced a variety of health problems and feels she has deteriorated in the last year; she feels weak, tired and lethargic but hadn’t attributed any of her problems to her kidneys. In addition to her under active thyroid, she has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acid indigestion, osteoporosis, low blood pressure, vitamin D deficiency, and a cataract in one eye. She has a history of gall stones and has had her gall bladder removed and also two benign skin lesions from her head. She has smoked since age 14 and is trying to cut down to about 10 a day but is not motivated to quit entirely. Since her husband died seven years ago she hasn’t bothered cooking just for herself. She can no longer digest pastry or onions and pickles because of gastric pain but hopes that medication will help. She has not been offered any dietary advice by her doctor.
Elizabeth has been enrolled onto the BARACK-D trial for people with kidney impairment, which involves taking either an active drug or a placebo and monitoring changes in her health, particularly blood pressure. She has had two blood tests so far and is due for a third in about a month’s time but has not yet started on the medication. She has not been told the results of the blood tests or what they mean.