
Jake has had positive experiences of GP appointments. He believes that a good GP cares about the patients and tries to get to know them as a person.
Jake is at school and lives with his parents and younger sister. Ethnic background / nationality: White Irish.
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Jake has had positive experiences of GP appointments. He remembered having his appendix taken out when he was seven and going to the GP for check-ups. He also broke his arm in 2013, after which he needed to go to the doctor regularly for a couple of months. Most recently, he had an appointment because of a chest infection. Jake believes he’s probably been to A&E (Accident and Emergency) more than to his local doctor who he sees for subsequent check-ups. His mum usually makes the appointment by phone, and it is she or his sister that goes with him. He usually sees the same doctor, who he said has always been ‘nice’.
For Jake, a good GP cares about the patients and tries to get to know them as a person. He feels that being able to see the same doctor is important for establishing a caring, stable doctor-patient relationship. He said he also feels more comfortable with male GPs but wouldn’t mind seeing a female doctor. He can understand why some people might trust older doctors more, but for him it doesn’t make much difference whether he is seen by a younger or older GP.
Jake’s local surgery is close to home and he feels quite satisfied with it. The only thing he would change is the building’s appearance to make it look more modern. Jake described the waiting room walls as rather plain with some photographs, and believes that some health-related posters could make the place look livelier. There are also magazines in the waiting room but he has never picked them up because he rarely has to wait long.
Jake understands why younger people might prefer to email or text their GP but such consultations feel informal to him. He likes the idea of being able to access his medical records online, and feels that health professionals and family members should be able to look at these.
Jake believes that most young people prefer to speak to their friends and family before making a doctor’s appointment. It would be useful, though, to have information leaflets, posters and school talks that let young people know about the range of issues they can discuss with the GP. He also believes that healthcare services could reach more young people through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Jake didn’t realise that patients could see the GP about their emotional health. He thought that only counsellors were available to help with personal issues.
Jake didn’t realise that patients could see the GP about their emotional health. He thought that only counsellors were available to help with personal issues.
What like personal problems?
Well I suppose that sort of like…there's another job for like…there's someone else you go to for that isn't there, you won't go through a doctor, like seeking personal advice.
Is there any…who would you…if someone…a friend of yours was asking, "Who can I see about personal advice?" who would you tell them that they could see?
Well I…like professionally, maybe like a counsellor or something. Something along those lines, not a…not…well I suppose it depends on your relationship with your doctor, cos if you're quite close to them and you get on with them well then maybe it could sort of be arranged. But that wouldn’t be my first choice anyway.
So, in your case, what would your first choice be – to see a counsellor or to talk to a friend or?
Oh I would go to a friend before I went to anyone else, like I wouldn’t go straight to a professional, no.
So, say you were having lots of stress before an exam or something like that, would you prefer to talk to a friend or go to see a doctor or talk to parents?
I would…I would just go to my friends really.
Jake recalled having injections at the surgery. He also went for check-ups after having his appendix out and breaking his arm. A chest infection was the most recent reason.
Jake recalled having injections at the surgery. He also went for check-ups after having his appendix out and breaking his arm. A chest infection was the most recent reason.
Yeah, I went with my mum. I remember I went to get jabs and stuff like that.
So you remember…
Yeah, I've been other times as well, shall I....?
When I was seven, after I had my appendix out I went there and they just gave me a check-up then. And I broke my arm two years ago, and I went a couple of months after that. And I went this time last year when I had a chest infection.
Yeah. So those are the times that you’ve been?
Yeah, yeah. I've never had any trouble or anything, it's always been good.
A receptionist is the first person a patient sees. When receptionists give a good impression, it gives a good impression of the whole surgery.
A receptionist is the first person a patient sees. When receptionists give a good impression, it gives a good impression of the whole surgery.
From what I remember they're quite nice, just a couple of old – not that old women just there. A couple of women – they’ve…yeah they’ve always been nice.
Yeah, you’ve never had a…any unfriendly ones at all?
No. Have you come across any unfriendly doctors at all?
No, no I haven’t.
Or have they been quite good and [talked together].
Yeah which is…yeah it's good. I think if you are an unfriendly doctor it's not very nice I suppose.
Is there any message or advice you would want to give to receptionists at the surgery?
Just be friendly again. You know like try and come across as nice as you can cos like, you know, cos you're welcoming like… they're the first person you're going to talk to you when you go into the surgery so. If they give… if they give a good impression then it's going to give a good impression for the rest of the surgery.