Interview 21

She had a stroke due to a clot aged 82 which caused left weakness. Medication bendroflumethiazide, ramapril (blood pressure), aspirin (antiplatelet).
Is a widow and has no children. She does Voluntary work. Ethnic background/nationality' White/English.
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This woman had her stroke due to a clot at the age of 82 she is now 83. She originally attended her GP complaining of dizziness and loss of balance. Her GP checked her blood pressure and it did not seem to be a cause for concern. Later that evening her condition worsened and she went to bed. She spoke to a duty doctor over the weekend but it was not until the Monday that she saw a doctor and was diagnosed with a slight stroke. Her own doctor was very apologetic but explained that it is sometimes difficult to diagnose a slight stroke. She now takes bendroflumethiazide and ramaprilb to reduce blood pressure and aspirin to prevent another clot.
She did not go into hospital after her stroke but did attend a stroke clinic although this was primarily to have some tests and to discuss the possibility of her taking part in some research. She did not want to take part because of the distance she would need to travel.
Following the stroke she had some weakness in her left leg which makes walking difficult. She also finds she tires easily. At the time she was not offered any physiotherapy which she was a bit frustrated about. She eventually found out about physiotherapy when attending an NHS osteopath for another condition and has been given some exercises. She is not sure if they are making much difference but keeps up with her practice.
She is a very active volunteer for a number of local organisations including the church and has been very motivated to recover and keep up her activities. Her friends at the church have been a great support.