Fibromyalgia catalyst film

This film was made as part of PACFIND (PAtient-centred Care for Fibromyalgia: New pathway Design) study, funded by Versus Arthritis.

The film is drawn from analysis of interviews with 31 people across the UK about their experiences of fibromyalgia and healthcare. We also asked for their ideas for service improvement; the selected examples show how important it was to be believed, listened to and taken seriously.

It often took several years and numerous visits to their doctor with a series of unexplained symptoms before getting a diagnosis. We heard about the importance of a timely diagnosis, and ongoing support after diagnosis to manage unpredictable symptoms.

We hope that you will use the film in imaginative ways as a ‘catalyst’ to get local patients, families and NHS staff talking together about your services and how you can jointly improve people’s experiences.

You can also learn more about people’s experiences of fibromyalgia and healthcare on the site.