Phil ' Interview 31

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Phil’s wife had been previously married and had four children. She had been through sterilisation so they were forced to consider fertility treatment to have a child together. Phil and his wife initially chose a private clinic that offered egg sharing. But their experiences were not very positive and they finally withdrew from the egg-sharing programme. They found another private clinic, and went through IVF a second time and his wife, Karen, was successful in getting pregnant. He describes going through IVF as a couple isolating, and felt they did not really know very much about it when they started.
It was difficult for Phil to join his wife at IVF treatment as he had to travel a lot for work. He was trying to save his paternity leave in case treatment was successful.
It was difficult for Phil to join his wife at IVF treatment as he had to travel a lot for work. He was trying to save his paternity leave in case treatment was successful.
Because of my work commitments. I used to be a mobile screening nurse, and so I was travelling a lot. Because I travelled a lot, I would be stuck in hotels throughout the week. So if I could be there, I would be there. If I could have said to my company, “I want to be there for the blood test, for the scan, for everything else.” I would. But I couldn’t. So because of work commitments this is what I tried to get through to the second centre we were with, because I knew it impacted the first time. I was there at critical stages. I was there. I took days off. Because the idea was, I have only got xx amount of annual leave, take the days when they are needed. So the that’s the other thing about knowing about paternity leave. I didn’t know anything about that. I have only just that about this company now, about paternity leave. But I wanted to save as much annual leave for the positive result. So I couldn’t take off here, here and the next day, because a blood test, it feels like it was insignificant. Embryo transfer is important. She needs support there. Blood it’s just a stick in the arm. So I wasn’t there some of the times for those. But the important things I always tried to be there.