Interview 123

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A scan showed that the pain in his shoulder was due to a recurrence of lymphoma that was wrapped around a neck vertebra; he had an operation to biopsy the tumour and remove the vertebra.
A scan showed that the pain in his shoulder was due to a recurrence of lymphoma that was wrapped around a neck vertebra; he had an operation to biopsy the tumour and remove the vertebra.
However in 2000 I started to suffer pain in my right arm and started to lose use of it, not entirely, but it was becoming difficult to use it, and it was getting steadily worse. Initially it was assumed to be some kind of trapped nerve in my neck. I was referred for physiotherapy treatment, of which I had about five sessions, and at that the physio referred me back to the GP with the suggestion I should see a surgeon, which I duly did.
After an operation on his neck he had chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant using his own stem cells, which put his lymphoma back into remission.
After an operation on his neck he had chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant using his own stem cells, which put his lymphoma back into remission.
But the point of discussion of course is lymphoma, and I went through a form of chemotherapy during the mid part of 2000 and then they took me in for higher dose treatment. Having harvested the stem cells from my body they took me into hospital once again and I spent some four and a half weeks in a special designed room where they could use filtration equipment, and a room with my own facilities and so on, so that I could be protected from infection, as the white blood cell count was taken down to zero before the stem cells are put back into the human body. And certainly because the white blood count being so low, then I did get one or two infections along the way, which did stall my exit from hospital. Having said that, it was successful, and for the next four and a half years I was free of the disease.