Living with and beyond cancer
Profiles - Cancers of the blood (lymphoma or leukaemia)
Marie - Interview 44

Marie is a housewife. She is married with two adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 50

Retired IT manager in local government, married with four adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Deirdre - Interview 58

Deirdre is a farmer's wife. She is married with three adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 60

Professional pilot, married with one child aged 7. Ethnic Background: White English.
Interview 63

She is a Human Resources Consultant. She is married with no children. Ethnic Background: Asian.
Interview 64

Materials Manager, married with two children aged 17 and 10. Ethnic Background: White British.
Ann - Interview 65

Ann is a civil servant. She is divorced with no children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Julie - Interview 66

Julie is a clerical worker in the NHS. She is married with no children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 67

Medical Journalist /obituary writer, divorced, no children. Ethnic Background: White with one Indian grandparent.
Beverley - Interview 68

Beverley is a retired medical secretary. She is married with three adult children. Ethnic Background: White European.
Janet - Interview 69

Janet is a retired NHS Manager. She is married with two adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 70

Unemployed, living with partner, two adult children. Ethnic Background: White Scottish.
Interview 72

She is a shopkeeper and businesswoman. She is divorced with one child aged 11. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 93

Retired from Royal Navy, married with two adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Ian - Interview 97

Ian became an occupational therapist after retiring from the police. He is married and has two children aged 16 & 14. Ethnic Background: White Welsh.
Interview 98

Retired surveyor, married with 4 adult children and two adult stepchildren. Ethnic Background: White British.
Marilyn - Interview 102

Marilyn is a retired charity administrator. She is married with one adult child. Ethnic Background: White English.
Interview 103

Photographer, married with three adult children. Ethnic Background: White British (Scottish).
Interview 107

Neil is an accountant. He is married with 2 children aged 17 and 15. Ethnic Background' White English.
Michael - Interview 112

Michael is a semi-retired university lecturer. He is married with 3 children aged 15, 17 and 25. Ethnic Background' White British.
Interview 118

Client Services Assistant, married but separated shortly after interview, two children aged 11 and 15. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 123

Chartered accountant, married with three adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Luke - Interview 127

Luke is a retired journalist with four children.
Interview 128

School learning mentor, divorced with three children aged 16, 14 and 9. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 132

Marketing Manager, married with two adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 136

Retired Health Visitor, married with two adult stepchildren. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 145

Bank Manager, married with two children aged 12 and 10. Ethnic Background: White British.
Interview 148

Retired teacher, married with two adult children. Ethnic Background: Indian.
Interview 151

Houseperson, separated with two adult children. Ethnic Background: White British.