Family Experiences of Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States
Jenny Kitzinger

Celia Kitzinger
We are very grateful for all the help and support we have received in producing this module.
Advisory Panel
Gunars Libeks and Margaret Kellas
Family Representatives
David Menon
Professor and Head of the Department of Anaesthesia, Principle Investigator in the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre and co-chair of the acute brain injury programme at the University of Cambridge
Richard Morris
Headway, Information Officer
Andrew Taylor
Headway, Website Manager
Lynne Turner Stokes
Director of the Regional Rehabilitation Unit and Dunhill Chair of Rehabilitation, and chair of Royal College of Physicians’ working party on Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness
Sue Ziebland
Professor of Medical Sociology, Research Director, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Care, University of Oxford.
Acknowledgements and thanks
To all those who took part in interviews, and the professionals who helped us recruit participants, and to our sister, Polly Kitzinger, who inspired this research.
Supported by:
Economic and Social Research Council, Knowledge Exchange Grant [ES/K00560X/1]
Financial support from the Health Experiences Research Group