Family Experiences of Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States
Profiles - Health Professional
Professor Derick Wade

Professor Derick Wade of the Oxford Centre for Enablement
Professor Lynne Turner-Stokes

Lynne Turner-Stokes is a Consultant in rehabilitation medicine and Herbert Dunhill Medicine Professor of Rehabilitation, King’s College London. She chaired the Royal College of Physicians' working party on prolonged disorders of consciousness.
Professor David Menon

David Menon is Professor and Head of the Department of Anaesthesia, Principal Investigator in the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, and Co-Chair of the Acute Brain Injury Programme at the University of Cambridge. He is co-author of ‘Mental Capacity Act 2005: guidance for Critical Care’.
Professor Henry Marsh

Henry Marsh is a consultant neurosurgeon and author of 'Do No Harm: tales of life, death and brain surgery'.